Originally Posted by pest
How does the article have any relation to pc games or piracy?
I have said it before and I will say it again - Ed, you are an idiot.
I'm the chuckle-head, but YOU'RE the only one who isn't able to draw any comparison between the article and the UNSTATED issue of console piracy.
Nevermind this little bit of typing I put in...
[quote:ea7f4]It's obvious that the industry couldn't be any healthier, thanks in part to console sales (again this is JUST for console's, although it is just as easy to pirate these games as it is to pirate PC games).[/quote:ea7f4]
But then again PEST, not reading something does give you something to bitch about, and what would you do if you couldn't bitch.
Have sex with wife, play with kids (god I hope not), read a book, live your life. Yea - totally not the same as bitching.
[quote:ea7f4]We knew this for years now. The reason that software prices are astronomical is because of warez. They said that if warez didn't exist, game & software prices would be anywhere between 45-60% lower than they are now.[/quote:ea7f4]
Where the hell are you getting this from? I have YET to see a comprehensive report that can CLEARLY create a link between software piracy of any kind and a RISE in costs. What is the TRUTH is that most of these "loss" reports are based on models where ACTUAL sales are not taken into account but POTENTIAL sales are. POTENTIAL is another fancy word for "maybe this Taiwan boy whos family makes 100 dollars a year is gonna buy MOH for 50 bucks". MAYBE. I'm sure you have lost HUNDREDS of POTENTIAL POON, but...cmon..lets get real here.
The "threat" of software piracy has created a GREAT marketing and price increase tool for companies to justify new security measures and price hikes to the public.
Smoke and mirrors.
As I said, the industry is doing SOOOO bad, that they have had a record year in total sales.