Originally Posted by DeadBolt
It's only the most-played game ever because so many people dont like realistic games. The guns are stupid, the graphics suck ass, and its such a lame game. If I was given $1000 dollars and told to play CounterStrike for a month, I would refuse and just play moh. I can't stand that game. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but that is just my opinion.
1. How are the guns stupid? For the most part the guns are based around what special ops use in real life and the same goes for the terrorist perspective.
2. The graphics are a bit basic yes but the whole reason behind this was to make it playable for everyone, you can play cs on a 300mhz pc decently enough with medal of honor it would chugg like hell. Also you can dload new models for counterstrike, player models which look a lot better and some of the best weapons models ive seen which easily surpass the quality of weapons models in games like mohaa.