yeah I never understood the MOH way of doing it, you fire 2 rounds of your mp40 and reload and magically no rounds are lost while reloading...which is totally unrealistic
They should make it you can only carry a limited amount of clip say 8 clips for the MP40 and you have 30 shots in the clip in the gun. When you reloads it take 1 clip out of you 8 clips. I think it would muchs more realistic because in WW2 the guy didn't have time to take the 8 bullets out of his clip to use in his new clip. fire2: bigzooka:
I think it will be realy cool to have such mod... -
02-01-2003, 02:30 AM
Actually I never thought of that as unrealism :-) I dont know why..
But in second thought , that is true unrealism..
and I like realism :-) Who doesn't in here ? if some in here would of liked Unrealism , then he would be playing RTCW and not MOHAA or MOHAAS
anyway , if you ran into a mod like that .. i'll be more than happy to have it .. but in the mean time you can just waste the rest of the bullets before realoading and in that .. creating your own mind mod :-)
that is for the mean time as I said :-) lol
[quote="Mr. Jingles":f4458]Well, I don't own any guns because I myself am not a hillbilly but it sounds like a stupid idea.
Could you not just stick the half empty clip in your pocket (or whatever you call it) then put it back in later?[/quote:f4458]
i'm Mr Jingles on this one when i was a cadet it was one of thing that was drien into us do not lose your empty clips as this isn't the moves they are not disposable. so i don't think they would use rounds when they changed clips. you'd have half empty ones but you would keep them.
suppose so maybe unreal but u have to read and look up the ww2 senario is where guns and ammo didnt come easy..the type of army that when ye m8 gets plugged u pick up the gun and knowing the germans haveing there towels on the beach at 6 am im sure they wouldnt waste a bullet.
The best example I can give of this is in America's Army. In that game if you reload in the middle of a clip it's like Mohaa. But once you get down to your last clip and you reload that you will notice that the ammo is not your full ammo. It is like Mr. Jingles said you probally would save the half empty clip and then use it later on.