I know others have posted memorable moments in the forum, but I thought I'd start an official thread for easy reading for all.
Anybody?? Ok, I'll start. You know how we gotta arm the explosives on the cannon in "The Hunt"? Well, I kinda thought it would be the same, with the timer and all, instead of instant like it is in the SP demo. I got kinda busted up after that 5 sec countdown thingy finished and I was still standing there holding the "use" key. DOH!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SPRAYnPRAY: I know others have posted memorable moments in the forum, but I thought I'd start an official thread for easy reading for all.
Anybody?? Ok, I'll start. You know how we gotta arm the explosives on the cannon in "The Hunt"? Well, I kinda thought it would be the same, with the timer and all, instead of instant like it is in the SP demo. I got kinda busted up after that 5 sec countdown thingy finished and I was still standing there holding the "use" key. DOH!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I did something even dumber! After I blew up the first cannon, I went to do a death run (well kinda!) down the road, in front of the other cannons. BUT I saw some smoke comming at me so I darted of to the left and ran straight into the mine field!
Close isn't good enough unless you throw a grenade!
superhuman Ai! my buddy dived onto a grenade thrown from the germans to save us and lived! and then i threw a grenade and it accidently bounced back and one of my buddys picked it back up and threw it at the germans
SCENARIO: Germans toss 'nade....ally picks it up,tosses it back....germans pick it up,toss it back....ally picks it up,gets BLOWN TO HELL!!!!
Damn that was funny as hell....That AI is Sooooooo Dumb!
Draufga"gertum=DAS REICH!! 2nd SS Panzer Div.
in RTCW ,when u toss a nade at a kraut the bastards kick it back at u!But most of the time they kick it at a wall in front of them, bounces back and gibs em.
Location: I camp out in front of my computer and get occasional food droppings by airplanes...
01-02-2002, 03:17 AM
When I reached the nebelwerfer field I saw the sign miner but when you got 12 rockets coming at you you don't stop and think about it, I just rushed on through since I was fucked anyway...
So suddenly I heard a click so I stopped running and b4 I blew up, my teammates came running towards me, all blowing themselves up first, I died with a smile on my face
------------------ "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill
set timer on nebelwerfer, walked backwards away from it....
straight into the minefield
and as a testement to the ai, they followed me into the minefield and blew up as well
another time i set the timer and ran off, the ai teammate stood next to the bomb til it exploded
another time was when those airborne guys came out and started talking to my CO without realising there was a german doode with an smg shooting at them.
one time i set the timer on the artillary just as it was about to blow up my allies limped over.. all of them got blown up except for the co guy... and he took out his thompson and just started shooting at the ground below him.... this must of been a bug or something cuz my game froze shortly after
one time when i got up wher the two nazi snipers wher i shot the guy with the pistol and i thought he was dead so i started snipeing and the guy got up and started hiting me with the butt of he gun and he sounded pised off it was so funny wachting him beat me in to a bloody mess and her him yel and screem stuff in german
and one time i shot a nazi in the neck and he started coffen and gaggen and then fell
and then 1 time i shot a german with the sniper rifel and i shot him in the head and he fell and slid it was so funny
then 1 time when the 101 guys come out the guy went inside of the capt it was funny