me pissed, 1:33am morning, just come bak from driving round town wif friends we were drunko all, did hooker run in town and called names to the prostituters and we went and saw the headless witches at the fdomaino, it was scary and fun, the hookers offered their body but i didnt acceptered it because i wasnt tooo drunk haha it was funny. see you all in the morong i wake up early! hhahaha fuck the police tryu and chase us down no way, tooooo quick!
fuck that im going to sleep soon, im piking out because w e ran out of petrol money. my mate wus driving he has full lisence d has a car, i dont let ppl drunk drive, that is justy yucky.
Actually White Rabbit did, but the fact is any mod, not just him. Read the last 2 sentences. I don't call you guys white trash, or nigg*rs, so I would appriciate it if you didn't refer to me as a nazi. I don't care if you don't like me, or don't agree with me, everyone has their differences, but just don't compare me to people who executed millions of jews, ok?