I submitted the map pack just minutes ago. I put but the night version and day time version in the same zip file. No need to have to download 2 things right? Expect to see it whenever they update the page. Is it me or are the updates coming slower and slower? I guess we can blame BF 1942 for that's what most of us are too busy playing. I'm itching for RtR.
PLEASE read the READ ME.
It deals with terrain settings and how to get the author's desired look.
NNNNNNNNNNNNNOooooooooooooooooooo they will not post it for a week here...... Give me a link real quick and I will grab it. Take the link down after a few hours if you are worried about bandwidth.
Or email me the map at jsemberger@sc.rr.com/ I am holding up my next map pack waiting on it and would like to get it today if possible.
whenever they update this site you can get it. The guys from mohfiles.com said they'll have it up in about 48 hours. I submitted it to about 6 sites so eventually it'll be up somewhere soon.
Well both versions have been running all day and as much as I liked the last one this version is absolutely great. These maps will make the perminent rotation list.... what a blast..... Now hurry up and make some more maps, you have talent.