First off, there are some very disturbing pictures in this thread....
Second, I have to add my 2 cents in here, though I have absolutely no intention of using vulgarities, or at least I'll try not to. hehe
For one, lets attack his name, paradiddler. I mean seriously, wtf does that mean??? He's going to try to insult an entire community of thousands of people, and he can't even come up with a decent name?
Second I would like to address that "nerd" comment. Not everyone who plays this game is young. A vast majority of the players I know are adults, who are happily married, have kids, and a social life. All of them are really good and honest people, and I for one am SEVERLY PISSED that this liltte assanine prick thinks he knows these people. He is more than likely just some stupid little 8 year old that finally figured out where the power button on his PC is.
So before you decide to login to a forum board of thousands of good respectable people, perhaps, you should think of the consequences, or come up with some better insults.