02-02-2003, 11:49 AM
You know what i can't understand? It's people from other countries who poke fun of the American media. If you don't like the American media, stop watching it!! Is it because thats the only news station in the world??.......i doubt it. Hey, i have an idea...if you're from Russia, watch Russian news stations...and if you're from Canada, watch Canadien news stations!! Just stop watching the "bullshit" American news stations!!
In the county where i live, we have one newspaper where all local and national news gets top coverage whereas world news takes second. It's still there in the paper.....you just have to read through to find it. Does this mean we think less of the rest of the world? I think not. I'm well aware of whats going on in the world today. I knew of the earthquakes in Mexico, of the bus bombing in Afghanistan, of the terrorist arrests in Italy, of the explosion in Nigeria, of the N. Koreans nuclear movement....etc, etc.
Just because this doesn't take center stage from my local paper, it doesn't mean it's not reported.
So to all you idiots out there who believe CNN is the only news source, go kill yourself!!
The world is my urinal