i just fully tested the map and i would like to point out so things i noticed.
-extreme attention to detail. little things like vents to pipes to sound of locked doors, all make this map highly immersive.
-high framerate was what i found all thru out the map. lowest reached 45 and it peaked at 130. outstanding!
-well designed and a good layout. though i find the allies spawning in town and the axis spawning in the dam area kind of unfair for the allies. axis could easily spawn kill. but no big deal. i guess we will see how it turns up.
one last thing. mr. zubidoo, i was thinking of starting to map. i have done this before for quake and i already know radiant inside and out. do you think you could help me out sometime? if not its ok. thanks for making another great map anyways. :-)
I personally find it incredibly difficult to explain things especially with radiant just because I can easily go off rambling so I strongly suggest using tutorials which is how I learned.