JEEEEESUS Hobbs, I think ur FPS needs to calm down...its making mine look like a little punk...haha biggrin: nice skins guys rock....lets make a team wink: now....wouldnt THAT be some shiaaaat angel:
y get skins man? all ppl do is accuse u of cheating if u have a custom skin. and most servers dont allow force moddeling and all that shit. even my server doesnt allow force modelling. i think skinners should just give up on the skinning and make maps
i think you should stop putting down skinners and mind your own buisness. No one said you had to get this skin. No one said that getting this skin will make you a better person. This game is for fun, and this skin will add to my fun. So back off =-P
Hey hey... thanks all for any and all comments.. Skinning is for enjoyment and I have not found that many servers that won't let you use custom skins... the one's I have come across I just won't play there again.. who needs them... I agree with {1CAB}ThiRTeeN "This game is for fun, and this skin will add to my fun."
Also this is the reason I never post my work on forums and not give out yeas and nays.. for other peoples work... If you make it and like it who cares what others think.. just submit it somewhere and let the download # be your judge... that way no ones feelings are hurt and the skin/mod is either used or not... I thought I would give it a shot one more time and the same results have manifested themselves again... Plus I find myself caught in the same dam