Originally Posted by MPowell1944
They would not be able to fire b/c SH has that code built in, allowing the models to be placed without any additional triggers to make them function. Since AA does not have this code, the additional triggers would be required, but spawning them is not possible, resulting in a static AA-Gun.
if i understand what your saying...you say the aa gun cant be relocated to another map and have it work...thats not strictly true...ive put the aa gun in the breast map and it fuctions exactly like its suposed to including the red icon at the bottom of the screen that shows when its powered up and ready to fire..im thinking the reason it wont work in destroyed village is that spearhead cant read the pack 0 files...but if put the gun imfo into the pack 0 file...i think it might work...i was just wondering if anyone else had done this before...but it can be moved in the spearhead maps for sure...its firing on my server in breast and more maps to come..next i want to use the flack 88 cannon in other maps.