This is a new wrinkle - I used to have some custom skins, not cheat skins, just some really sweet Allied/Axis skins - but because of AutoKick I had to remove them (months ago). Yesterday I got booted twice for 'unathorized skins' on servers I play regularly. I have no custom skins in my Main or Mainta folders. ??? The clan members I messaged during the game either ignored me, or didn't know the rcon password/comands to run dumpuser (no admins were present)- so I couldn't get an answer as to what 'unathorized skins' I was using. Anyone else run into this?
I think autokick keep in mind that you had before some custom skin and always kick you cause you already use them before. Maybe someone else can help you more.
[quote="|+|ParisGun|+|":e5fb0]This is a new wrinkle - I used to have some custom skins, not cheat skins, just some really sweet Allied/Axis skins - but because of AutoKick I had to remove them (months ago). Yesterday I got booted twice for 'unathorized skins' on servers I play regularly. I have no custom skins in my Main or Mainta folders. ??? The clan members I messaged during the game either ignored me, or didn't know the rcon password/comands to run dumpuser (no admins were present)- so I couldn't get an answer as to what 'unathorized skins' I was using. Anyone else run into this?[/quote:e5fb0]
Really stupid, but it could be a possibility that this server wanted people with a certian skin only to play, and didn't know how to force models to this one skin, so they had every other one listed as illeagal. That's the only reason I can think of for something like this.
Actually that makes me feel better knowing it's not me angel: It was making me a little nuts.
ThiRTeeN - Yes, but it was vintage WWII, used to shell Paris.
Well I know that they used 'em in WWI but the Allies couldn't find any traces of them. They think the Germans destroyed the guns with oxy-acetylene tourches. biggrin: Just did a report on that bad boy.
it sounds like they might be running delator, as well as autokick..when someone gets booted for cheating on our server, we add them to the auto kick list of banned names and ips so we don't have to deal with them again...if you were banned for a 'unauthorized skin' they may have added you to the banned ip/names list and that is what is kicking you out...
Some servers kick certain stock skins because the more popular cheats are packaged as stock skins to beat delator. Allied pilot and german scientist are some of the more popular stealth cheats.
So not only can we not use custom skins anymore due to cheating, now we cant even use stock skins everywhere. The sad part is, this only gets rid of the ametuer cheater. Anyone that knows the smallest amount about delator and pk3 files knows how to beat anti-cheat programs for skins.
Just to put how this game is declining and how EA sucks - UT2K3 has released their thrid patch, all with anti-cheat updates, and a bonus pack of 6 or 7 new developer made maps. Its been out how long? 6 months? And htey were all free. We didnt have to buy an expansion pack to get patch #2. Its just too bad the gameplay isnt as good as MOH could be.