Since EA isn't doing a Pacific theater now read this! -
02-02-2003, 10:17 AM
OKay this isn't a grand expansion idea just more MP maps. Did anyone beside me get those Japanese skins which were published almost a year ago? I've never seen anyone use them and probably just as well Japs in Europe are kind of out of place (except for the fighting 442 in Italy, rent the movie "Go for Broke"). Anyway I was thinking of making some pacific theater MP maps using the palm trees from the North Africa maps and building some Island structures. Maybe even a battle for Manila. Anyway just like the Japs out of place in Europe the Germans would be out of place in the SE Asia. I could package those Jap skins with the map/s and people could use them for authenticity.
YOU SP mappers should think about converting those Jap skins for use in SP and make some Pacific theater SP maps. Think about it.
I realy think we need to arrange a team who can make -
02-02-2003, 12:22 PM
Well , I was wandering and thinking of something that could be very good
What would you all say about programming a server that will allow the single player to run with the multiplayer feature...
let's say me , guarnere , brutal and a few others on a server..?
We enter the server and start playing the SP of either MOHAAS or MOHAA
Depends on the server ..
If we can achieve something like this that we all can play together in multiplayer , but actually making the advance in the single player campaign..
I think that'll be great !!!! great thing guys...:-)
btw - I'll soon have a new M-1 Skin , based on a real photo prespective..
isnt it possible to use the .tga files for the jap skins from BF1942 and just script em into AA and SH, i thought they were decent...
Also, i think making a beach invasion level for like Iwo Jima or Guadalcanal would be hot...