ever heard of MUTE?? You see...when Britney Spears comes on the tube...like yeah she is hot but her music SUCKS! *Click* Mute is on..... Ahhhhhhhh...nothing but a good few mins of Britney with no shitty music in the background....catch my drift?
[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":55ff1]ED is just a jackass with an ugly girlfriend. He has yet to prove otherwise. Pay him no mind. Small penis syndrome, if you ask me.[/quote:55ff1]
That is filled with such homo-erotic imagery I just dont know what to do with myself.
Lil-boy-who-cried FBI calling someone ELSE out on what they've got. Now THERE is something provacative.
[quote:55ff1]hey im hearing alot of good things from something called "suicide" i think you should invest in it.
kill yourself, or get cancer.[/quote:55ff1]
As soon as I do that, Ill say hi to your family. Let them know that yes, you do still wet the bed after PA touches you.
Oh I'm sorry. You're right. I should have used the OTHER crude and crass comment about SUICIDE and CANCER. That's roses and sunshine, but child-abuse...gosh darn it thats just too far!!!
No...as in you are not funny at all. You try waaaay too hard to flame people. You go out of your way to flame people, and for what reason?? NONE! you are just an asshole...pure and simple.