well I will bet a hundred bucks this guy gets arrested for having Illegal warez...you can PLAINLY see his ICQ number on the same screen....this Idiot posted this pic on AA.net,so it became the property of the site,what people do with it is their business.sheesh sherlock,you think you'd have thought of that BEFORE shooting your mouth off about "who gives this guy the right to post someone elses shit" or something to that effect.If this guy/girl was STUPID enough to post the pic,than they DESERVE what they get.No one went into their house and took the pic,then sent it in.....
And how do we know that this shot isn't one of the guys at 2015's home PC???I am SURE that he/she has an advance copy of the game....
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
[This message has been edited by FuBarGrn (edited January 03, 2002).]