Just want to holla: THANKS to Zone, Magnum, Proteus, Snipeymagoo, Dj RaNnY KHn, and anyone else who has influenced me and all the others in here on sig making! biggrin:
Iis cool to see all the diff sigs and diff styles people come up with and that they are willing to teach and make them for others! THX, ya all rule!
Well, let me see........Stupid, dumbass, fucktard, asshat, etc., are words iv'e seen describing newt in the various forums here. You allways seem to post a neg reply, at least in the other forums. Here, you look like an angel, except in yer reply to my thread. Hell, I like jooo, so wtf?
Man, a perfectly innocent thread, meant to give thx to all my sig brothers in the mohaa community went right down the shit'er. Newt posted in it! ..... *sigh* .....Damn happy: Oh well.....*sigh*................................... .*pukes*