Hello peeps this is my first post and no I am not a no)b to the MOH:AA os SH scene, however something has me really stumped.
I have DL allot of new maps, especially for SH, but when I go to play them either starting a server or typing in the console to play single, the whole game shuts down.
I have put the pk3 files in both the MOA:AA/main and also have tried the MOH:SH/mainta folders and still it shuts the game down.
Is there a differenr console command or thing I need to do?
What do I need to type in the console or how can I get these maps to work?oOo:
you need to get the actual name for the map...I will use the omaha beach 2 map as an example
the map name is omaha beach 2, but if you go to MP in the game, start your own server and add it to the map list in OBJ. then when you come out of it back to the main Server Setup page, bottom left will be the "map rotation" in there is the list of actual names for each map..ie the long version
omaha beach 2 = obj/obj_omaha_sh_2
when in console you need to type rcon map obj/obj_omaha_sh_2 and if you have it in the mainta folder it should work...that is how I get it to work...
Once you have the basics down and my site come back up mad: mad: mad:
you can check out the my guides section for all the rcon commands as well as setting up rcon on your server at: