go here and you can get the garand in SP
bad thing is its instead of the springfield

but its still good for a bit of fun
if someone can change garand for springfeild why cant they put in the shottie or something i dont know anything about codeing but i rekon it should be the same
i also just found this
Please note that if link appears faulty,
you will need to open a NEW BROWSER and paste
the adress in your adress bar for Geocities
to grant you file access.
it allows you to have all allies weapons, shotgun etc.
but im not positive it works i havent tried it yet but yeah i hope it works.
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[This message has been edited by Saving_Ryans_Privates (edited January 05, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Saving_Ryans_Privates (edited January 05, 2002).]