Get an ATI Radeon 8500

I bench 10875 on the 2001 Benchmark
system info: Windows XP Professional ~~**RAM: 512 MB DDR PC2100**~~ Usage: 185/512MB (36.13%) cpu(1-AMD XP, 1707MHz, (res(1024x768) ~~**MOBO EPOX 8KHA+**~~VID CARD ATI RADEON 8500 64MB**~~BURNER PLEXTOR 24X10X40a~~**ENERMAX 460 WATT Power supply**~~**GLOBAL WIN Heatsink CAK38 (COPER)**~~ HD space free: (C: 89429.99MB) (D: 9647MB) Uptime: ALWAYS
But to be serious with you.. IM 100% SURE it's your Drivers.
Getting the newest drivers will cause this , especialy with Windows XP..