OK Guys i no i shouldint post this here but seem not alot of people visit the sig forum.
Im makeing my own Sig web site ..And i would like very much to show your sigs of on it ,I will not in anyway tamper,distort,or edit them in anyway.they will be 4 viewing puroses only...
how i see it it would be nice 4 the newcomers to MOH to have a look at these,To give them an idear of wat kind of sig they want,
Plus i think theres some real kool sigs out there....i will even add your name or clan name to the side of the sig,,so people no who the sig belongs to,...
just post your sigs in here and leave your nickname or clanname with it..hope u dont mind me doing this guys ...Just fills like a good idear

if this post gets removed plz visit the sigs forum and post them there....