This looks pretty interesting indeed. The last time they got flamethrowers to work the flame textures were 2d and there wasn't any sound. If they can bind that flame to the player and have it cause damage like they did before, then the ball will be rolling with this. But as everyone has said, everyone and their brother would be using this new weapon. A script should be made to control the number of them used per team.
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
02-16-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by MPowell1944
This looks pretty interesting indeed. The last time they got flamethrowers to work the flame textures were 2d and there wasn't any sound. If they can bind that flame to the player and have it cause damage like they did before, then the ball will be rolling with this. But as everyone has said, everyone and their brother would be using this new weapon. A script should be made to control the number of them used per team.
It's a spawned weapon. Just have to stop the respawn. We have sound, but need some work on it. Still needs work on damage and spread. Graphic effects are outstanding. It's easy to add to map and easy to adjust it's power. It would be nice if hitting the tank caused a nice explosion, but I don't think that will be happening.
The flamethrower does cause a major hit to framerates, but we are working on fixing that. It doesn't effect gameplay too much when there aren't a lot of models present, like trees. But, it is super fun. Damage and spread are perfect. It doesn't seem to have much impact on weapons balance, except for the shotgun. Go up against the flamer with a shotgun and you are going to lose.
There will be a link posted on TMT where you can DL a test version of the Pacific Atoll map with the flamer as soon as we get the framerate fixes made... tomorrow or Wednesday nite.