Tips how to use the inside model -
02-19-2003, 02:02 AM
In order to use the inside for us helmets in your own projects you need inside model files from the gear folder. If you use another folder structure for models in your .pk3 file make sure you change your .tik file accordingly.
Check the .tik file for the correct order to call for models and shaders. I havent tested that but i figured since the us_helmet.skd has a bit inside too (see the pic), the correct order would be you first call for the inside model and its shader and after that the outside. That way the inside skin wont mess outside skin.
Another thing. Those who have had problems with inside being transparent, make sure you remove "cull none" lines from both inside and outside shaders in your shader file (look at the shader file). You wont need that line IF you use both models.