Just a reminder, if your bored and you want to hang out with some of us from aa.net. Come chill at #alliedassault on irc.gamesnet.net. We've got a whole party just hanging out in here. We're trying to get AA.net back up as soon as possible! Sorry for the delay fellazs. Our traffic just flew over our hosts heads. We'll keep you all updated.
welcome to our forums AA.net members . make yourself at home . not that many flamewars here now so dont worry about that . hope that everything gets fixed up soon . we know how you guys feel .
Alliedassault.net went down because of too much traffic. The site is putting away 6 GB a day which turns out to be around 200 GB a month. 20 GB a month is allowed. AA.NETs hoster cut the site off because of this.