Ugh hake: This is the biggest pile of horseshit I've ever seen....maybe not, but it's up there. If you dont like this place Lone Ranger than fuck off. We are not keeping you here, so off you go, and take your "brother" with you. No loss, I kick out dickheads like you almost everyday, no skin off my nose. Ciao....
And as White Rabbit said, you may not express your opinion here, so die bitch. oOo:
Yeah. But when people made threas about afghans and middle-east people, did they get banned? No. Nobody follows those rules because the mods don't enforce them. They only enforce them if the insults are directed to them, not anyone eles...
Oh and LoneRanger
I would recognize that if it wasn't from someone with the Quazemodo with a Disney character in there sig who doesn't seem to know anything.
Ugh hake: This is the biggest pile of horseshit I've ever seen....maybe not, but it's up there. If you dont like this place Lone Ranger than fuck off. We are not keeping you here, so off you go, and take your "brother" with you. No loss, I kick out dickheads like you almost everyday, no skin off my nose. Ciao....
And as White Rabbit said, you may not express your opinion here, so die bitch. oOo:
Hahahaha, this is exactly what I mean, stupid ass jerk offs running this forum. HA
Its a miracle, it hasnt been locked in 5 minutes yet!
oh wait, Joe aint online on yet. hake:
LOL, I'll lock it now, and also, if you would like Lone Ranger, I can ban you aswell seeing you wont want to be around after I lock it. Please reply asap.
[quote]I would recognize that if it wasn't from someone with the Quazemodo with a Disney character in there sig who doesn't seem to know anything. [/quote