Well guys, its time for Pfc.Green to move on...well tommorow Feb. 27th at noon that is. Tommorow I leave for Great Lakes RTC (recruit training command) for the 8-week Naval boot camp, after that I'll have a few days leave and then it'll be on to the 40-day Quartermaster training.
Dont fall asleep during this next paragraph...but heres the official job description of a qm: QMs are responsible for ship safety, skillful navigation, and reliable communications with other vessels and shore stations. In addition, they maintain charts, navigational aids, and records for the ships log. They steer the ship, take radar bearings and ranges, make depth soundings, plot courses, and command small craft. QMs stand watches and assist the navigator and officer of the deck (OOD).
I'm proud that I am going to be part of my nations Navy, I have wanted to serve my country in the Navy since the third grade, its also abit of family tradition. Even though my part will be small, I feel all jobs in the Navy and in the military are important.
Its been good here (mostly) and theres to many good people here for me to list. I wish you all luck in whatever you plan to do or are doing. I'll try and post updates when I finish boot. (oh and I'm still here today...so gotta get me count a tad bit higher biggrin: )
P.S. heres a great new song,
http://www.darrylworley.com/ normally I'm not a country fan but this song kicks ass...just pick your bandwidth and go to songs, the song is called 'Have you Forgotten'.
With respect,
Jason Green