Originally Posted by 1080jibber
i have seen some of the friday the 13 movies, but not the first one...
why is jason like all mangeled and why does he wear a hockey mask and why does he go for certin family members?
Ok, here's the skinny:
Q: Why is Jason mangled?
A: Well, the story has it that Jason Voorhees was a deformed kid, suffering from encephalitis and mental retardation. That's why he looks so rough when he pops up out of the water in Part 1. There's some speculation as to whether little Jason actually drowned in the lake in the 50s. The years were not kind to Jason as he lived in the woods in a shack, keeping the head of his decapitated mom. His deformity grew and he turned into one fugly dude.
This is not to mention the several blows to the head that Jason has taken over the years...axes, machetes, pens, nails...you name it, Jason has pulled it out of his head.
Q: Why does he wear a hockey mask?
A: He didn't always have the hockey mask. In Part 2, he wore a cloth bag with one eyehole in it. He acquired the trademark mask in Part 3 from prankster Shelley. It's common belief that Jason covers his face to hide his deformities from the world.
Q: Why does he go for certain family members?
A: You're thinking of Michael Myers from Halloween. Well, Part 9 had him going after his sister's baby, but Part 9 is widely ignored in the Friday community...heh heh. Good movie, but pretty wacky story.
These movies are so fun to watch and enjoy. I'm under NO illusion that they're Oscar worthy pieces of art. They're sampy, splattery, mindless fun. Take 'em ast face value and enjoy!
...and go see "Freddy Vs. Jason" on August 15th, you pukes!! I'll be there for SURE!