Spearhead does not suck....anyway everyone is entitled to thier own opinions. People stop posting here because of the negative responses they get for no reasons. Get some manners
[quote="~^No0bAnIzEr^~":767f6]YAAAAAAAAAAAAY MAC SPEARHEAD IS COMING!!! W000000000000000t IN UR FACE PC PEOPLE!!! HAHAHAHAHHAA[/darkblue][/quote:767f6]
i'm entitled to my opinion as much as they are and i really don't give a fuck if this guy doesn't stick around, the site has enough problems already. if someone is incapable of making a mature post then they do not deserve a mature response.
If ur a die hard mohaa fan like me, u must admit MOHAAS sucks BIG time
I hate the slow pase, and the battlefield style gameplay!
Why cross-over to spearhead, I think that its the worst add-on ever, so lets stick to mohaa, and improve this game, instead of complaining about MOHAAS!
I remember one time I was walking into the local Computer Hardware store. And this kid about 10 years old was walking out the door balling his eyes out. It all made perfectly good sense when I saw his up tight looking, never had a real orgasm mom come carting out that new macintosh.