Originally Posted by Zoner91
a japanese flag, and an order of teriyaki chicken with sticky rice on it?"
How does one say "n00b" in japanese, anyway? biggrin:
Hey, that sounds like an awesome sig idea, Zone. How about that Jap flag and the chicken... oh yeah, and maybe some rice and make sure to have n00b written in big words on it... preferrably covering my name. biggrin:
Seriously, like Tso said, there's all this complaining and it's been going on since day one with EA. But nothing changes. You hate EA because they don't support the game. Actually, if I were them, I would have just simply cut my loses over MOHAA and not even bothered with SH. It
is all about business with them and the fact of the matter is that there are tons of people who don't visit websites like this who are blissfully ignorant about the game, so they continue to play it and enjoy it. And then when the next big game from EA comes out, that same person happily goes running to the store to buy it - just what EA's in business for. If they didn't do that, then they would have gone out of business.
I'm not saying it's right, but that's the way it is. For those that hang out on IRC waiting to get a copy of the game before it hits the store shelves and those who check out cheesy programs in hopes that they'll get an actual copy of the game instead of Max Payne, why bother complaining? You never wasted any money on it anyway. For those that spent money on it, well, when the next one comes out you'll go running like a lamb to the slaughter.
My thoughts on Pacific? Well, I've yet to see that patch for SH that I was promised along with the rest of you. But I stopped holding my breath and I don't expect I'll be in any real hurry to buy another Expansion. The whole problem lies in that the original developer no longer works/owns the product, so you can't ever expect to see something worth while unless they completely recode the engine, IMO.
Anyway, off to bed. Been nice catching up with you all. eek: