Just wanted to say, thanks very much for all your very hard work, putting this together , especially without the source code. As long as there are guys around willing to stress designs (Like the Amiga days) the games industry can only get better.
I'm really pleased playing this stuff, just hope you can hurry up and finish the manual, and then who knows, one day , you might do an "Point and click Add bot for C++ retards" type of utility -lol
Don't listen to the odd tools, who post crap. The Bots react plenty fast when they're turned up, they sneak up on you, the b8stards , their snipers are gunmen incarnate, and I actually got sweaty palms tonight, running gunning and yes -hiding. My only criticism, is that the path nodes don't extend far enough , so I know where I can expect to first start engaging Nazi scumbots.
Please hurry up and finish the manual.... nOOb question, but can I put the bots into some of the maps I've downloaded? Just imagining Dog White with Bots
Cheers Jv, you just made Programming God 2003 ......Hail Jv_Map -lol