ya I can still get good porn off Kazaa. I hate how people mislabel stuff though. Like I thought I was getting Jenna Jameson, and it turned out to be some Brunette, and no Jenna anywhere.
Please Label your porn correctly and Like SS said, make sure your share!
dont give in white rabbit! joe wtf are you talking about? no swearing in sigs? i never heard about that rule & even if it does exist everyone else has the commen sence to know its stupid & it shoulnt be enforced.
dont give in white rabbit! joe wtf are you talking about? no swearing in sigs? i never heard about that rule & even if it does exist everyone else has the commen sence to know its stupid & it shoulnt be enforced.
Location: Touchdown City- Morgantown, West Virginia
03-04-2003, 10:44 PM
mIRC is just a bad a Kazaa u just end up waiting for some 56k fag to download a movie at a kilobyte per second and it takes 10 hours and that is better than kazaa think again and no i dont like using punctation