JASPER this is my Last Post for this and its for You!! -
03-04-2003, 10:41 PM
MY Last Response!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Words......
"The concept is wrong. Fuck I detest ppl trying to make money off of us. Just because this one is free to join doesnt change a goddamnthing. Competitions at LANs are one thing...these leeches who want to make money off of you for simplying playing good (no matter what...nobody does this for free) are pimples on our asses. "
Your a Walking Billboard and you tell me i hate people who make money off Gamers...look at me im a salesman at TeamSpeak and your a Voice Server Billboard this is so funny you talking to me about a business model.
Listen up Jasper you dont even know Me and when I give another one of your brilliant lines "these leeches who want to make money off of you for simplying playing good (no matter what...nobody does this for free)" some Medal of Honor Clan that deserves to be Called Champion a $1000.00 bucks what the hell are you gonna say then. There is NO Sign-Up Fee Moron...plus like other Leagues out there I will never ask Donation EVER from a Clan.Why?? Cause I dont need to.
Im guilty of this Only ...Is this to draw intrest ...Hell Yeah The only thing im doin here is showing this Community that there is a League out there that gives you a Server when your #1 on a Ladder. A Great Prize for Winning Fair and Honest!! it is to the League will you ever have to pay..NO. When Gamespy,AllSeeing Eye,EA Games,Mohaa.Files and Mohaa.match and 10 other companies at least out there show an announce The Winner and the 2 runner-ups you are gonna look like a bigger moron then you are.