It means that the person you're uploading from has it quelled. So somebody else is already uploading something of his comp and you have to wait till that person is done.
You also get the remotely queued thing when youre trying to d/l too many things. Like if you had it set so you can only d/l a maximum of 4 things at one time to keep transfer rates reasonable, then if you try download a 5th, that will be remotely queued until one of your other d/ls has finished.
More sources needed means the file youre after doesnt have any users with it online. Like if the file it being shared by 1 person, and you try to or start to download it, and that person disconnects, then you cant get it as their are no sources for it. You are best to get files that are being shared by several users.
when im downloading something, even if it has like 100 users sharing it, when i download it i can only download that file off 8 users. its anoying when 7 of those people must have 56k & the other person has cable so it is only going like 10kb/s
If you are on Kazaa and get a msg "Remotly Queued" or "More Sources Needed" just click on it with the right mouse button and press "Search for More Sources". Once it says Searching, even if it goes back to Queued or More sources needed, it will keep searching for someone with the file.