Good mornin all, it will take a bit of time for everyone to grab the new version, the reason nobody has connected was mostlikely because you are likely the only one who has the new version "version 2" on gamespy
We have now rigged it so you MUST have the new version to connect to a server, this also allows the original singleplayer map to be ran now while the uberpak1.pk3 is still in the main folder
as stated in the readme the new map file is called m3l3_coop so the users with the old version cannont connect to the server.
Some people have been saying that you can connect to a server running the mod without running it client side by just using the shortcut, this is infact true, BUT this will screw up the clients game as far as: Graphics not showing up, Invisible Players, Invisible grenades, and sometimes invisible guns.
This also allows for frequent crashes on the servers machine. It also allowed the user without the mod to connect and use the AXIS side.
The fact that this is a bad thing is as follows, the bsp we have edited has specific rewrites to allow the game to function in coop more stable then on its own, without these edits it will not work. When a client connects to a modded server without the new edited bsp, and uses the old bsp (because there doesn't seem to be any checking for this between the server and client) the client is able to trigger things, do things, that have been disabled server side. This obviously screws up the server.
We have fixed this in the new version, if anyone goes to connect to the server without the mod, it will simply give them a bad protocol version error, and will boot them.
If you guys are worried about the pak size, the size of the retail mod's will be rougly 6 megs a pak file, because all the data such as the netcode, graphics, sounds, etc, will be already available to the user.
The file should be available all over the place soon, check at or or even
we will post some more links soon as they come in.