03-13-2003, 10:49 AM
It's nigh on impossible to create an FPS game that gives enough of a challenge to all ranges of player skills and yet still allows you to complete it without using "trial and error".
No matter how careful and quick in reactions you are you cannot really play through MoH without dying at least once. In Hard it really is much worse than that.
It took me absolutely hundreds of tries to find the best route from Higgins boat to shingle on Omaha without getting hit (it's possible, but bloody hard) and even then I still get hit from shingle to bunker at least 2-3 times. Each time risking death.
The very final section of the last mission of the game (run from bunker exit to train) took me a good few dozen tries too.
You can live on wits and reactions for part of the game but even if you manage to evade death at one part you're not guarenteed to make it to the next safe point before dying.
It's a shame really. If Powell was a real person he'd never had made it to Omaha, in my opinion.
So, it's understandable that someone would want to cheat to reach the end of the game if they can't be bothered to play the game this way, but why you'd want to do it to just look at some medals and "The End" I don't know.
I do it to get a feeling of achievement, but typing in some crack or cheat don't give that.