yes proteus...u can click on the back/foreground color, then in the bottom right corner it will have numbers, u type in the color code..... bah sig n00bs
yes proteus...u can click on the back/foreground color, then in the bottom right corner it will have numbers, u type in the color code..... bah sig n00bs
oooooo, proteus got dissed. By for example, the rgd number (i think thats what its called) for the perfect blue for a blue screen is 255. Try it out sometime.
or like pesky said, u can go to the color table... which is only selectable if u have an indexed color. Now, knowing u dont noe what a indexed color is or how to select it, i will explain it for u. First go to image>mode>indexed color.
Then u can go to the color table: image>mode>color table
and that my friend proteus is another way to do colors
well i was also talking about the tools pallete>fore/background color> and in the bottom right hand corner is a little place u can type text into, thats what im talking about also.
Oh well I don't see the need to use those. I'm not that picky about my colors. Partly because I don't fill alot of space with a color, i usually put pictures in instead.