I found this off the Teamgod website, another ''Owned'' pic, can you tell if its real, any of you Photoshop experts? Cuz there is no way in hell osmeone can go 136-0 in MOHAA unless he a:cheated b:camped or c:edited the pic. Take a look
i dunno, first off, if it was at TEAMGOD, then the guy was almost certainly cheating, so he could just sit back with no recoil and a shotgun and camp around a corner that he could see people coming towards him with a wallhack...it would just take a bit of patience
i already know Teamgod cheats anyway, cuz in some of their, AHEM, 'owned' pics, you can see wall hack skins and transparent objects. Ive even played a member anfd i watched him in Spec mode, he was german sniping by V2 and a guy was in the upper section about to open a door, and he shoots before its opened. then the guy FOLLOWS him through the wall to the other door. I told him about it and he called me a ''Fu*king n00b'' hake:
Now, nothing else needs to be said about them, lest they put their dicks down long enough to come here and type some immature, incoherent response with bad grammar.
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008