Originally Posted by pest
Originally Posted by RegreT357
lmao Joe.. TEAMGOD has been around for 9 years and you have been with AA for a very good time now to know damn well that TEAMGOD does not use tags and does NOT get owned other than by another TEAMGOD member. So Joe I'm sorry to ruin your moment of fame but... Smile! You've been owned.
They were on our server using tags and spamming their website a good while back. Maybe they have changed their habits since then, but its not an absolute rule as you would have us believe. We also busted a teamcheat member using chameleons on our server recently and bragging about his skills oOo: . His very mature response was to try and crash the server and to make empty threats to me. Apparently, they are very skilled at downloding cheats off the internet.
What he said. They always use their tags in games, so I dunno WTF ur talking about.
Oh, and they've been around for 9 years? So let's see, they're 15. . hrm. ..wow! They've been hacking since they were 6! I am amazed! Get a life man. .