Guess what im a fuckin n00bie and im not good at this game at all... I always get shot right in the face but know wat? i don care im proud to be a noobie cuz im learning but ill never be one of those guys who gets a 180-3 ratio who sit around all day playin this game...cuz u know wat im sayin? im a casual player so callin people noobies is kinda dumb cuz its a video game. anyways i was sayin i think rockets and shotguns are not noobie weapons cuz this is coming from a noobie and i think they are very hard to actually be good at - especially the rocket. i always use the machine gun and i can do pretty decent with it, but the rocket is so fuckin slow that i swear people can see it coming and jus step sideways a lil bit and dodge it. damn this is a long fuckin post but im a lil drunk so its all good. ne wayz yea.. uh dont hate on the rockets and even if u do hate them, then jus get good and kill the people who use em so u can laff. peace.