<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Komb.at: No america bans sexual related stuff instead, there goes your freedom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Also in AmeriKa you'll do more jail time for a small bag of weed then you would if you murder someone.
Guns are one of the key issues in america.
Here in Hong Kong 1 in 16 people of our 7 million is in organized crime. We have a tiny police force. You know how many murders there are a year? About 20. Because we dont have GUNS.
I just visited here the first time today, and I'm posting because of the ignorance of this topic. The Germans who fought in the war were NAZI's!!!!!! Do you know what NAZI means!!!!!!! National Socialist German Workers' Party and they fought for that cause making them NAZI. Some NAZI's were more f*cked up than others but all were NAZI's. Man read a flipping history book dude...... It dissapoints me how ignorant some can be.
agreed, the regualr german army who were concripts were not nazis, conscripts mean they were drafted and were made to fight for their country, The SS were the nazis and high commanding officers were. not the Regualar German Army.
And what was the program of the National Socialist Party, soldier boy? It was a fascist party!! Hitler was the party leader.
You are a nazi, when you are member of the party.
A Nazi= a fascist
[This message has been edited by Soda (edited January 10, 2002).]
well if you think about it, calling the german army the 'axis' would be wrong, since the 'axis' consisted of three nations, Germany, Italy, and Japan, not JUST germany. and 'Allies' isnt just america either, so why dont we just call it America and Germany?
i dont get it, oh well.........
"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton
All the high leaders wasnt nazis lite Erwin Rommel which was a field marshal in style of montgomery and patton. When Hitler gave the order to exucute all the jews soldiers he ignored it. He was killed by hitler's man for beeing invold in the murder try of Hitler.
and u believe this? pathetic <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt_CruncH: Also in AmeriKa you'll do more jail time for a small bag of weed then you would if you murder someone.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>