Originally Posted by 1080jibber
i think most people are gay because they were molested as a child, or abuse sexualy some way, but i do think that some people are born gay
im gay ... Not really eek:
Sorry, i couldnt resist.
I dont think i agree with what jibber said here. I dont think it has anything to do with being molested. If the person was molested its more likely theyd become a molester ...
My ex worked at a beauty salon, so i was exposed (unwillingly) to tons of homos, both male and female. Several of them had had relationships with women. From being around them and listening to shit they had to say i came to the conclusion that most of em were gay just to fit into the whole gay social thing (click, group, whatever you wanna call it). Sounds kind of strange, but honestly to god thats what i think. I cant say this for all homos, but i really believe some "turn" gay for this reason. Maybe they dont feel welcomed by the other sex and find that they are welcomed by members of their own?
I also believe what innoxx said about being raised by single mother, no other male figures around. Also, having a mother that wanted a girl instead of a boy ?
i am not homophobic. i just dont like fags. Being critisized by a man acting like a women has to be the most humiliating thing for another man possible.