Originally Posted by Arkan
Ok, you asked for it so here's my thoughts.
To assassinate Saddam would be the wrong thing to do....it's against all kinds of laws....so the easiest thing to do is declare war. During a time of war, leaders of military control CAN be killed. This leaves Saddam unprotected. Ok, now with that out of the way, American/British forces aren't gonna annihilate Iraq and kill all it's citizens.....They are just gonna crush the Regieme and liberate Iraq so to speak. They'll keep a presence until a stable government can be established. That way, the threat of supported terrorism from Iraq is eliminated and now Iraq can become a productive country that will ease tension in that region. Iraq can become a rich and powerful nation with it's resources......we just need a rational government controlling it.
That is a nice scenerio, problem is if and when we decide to let them hold elections, they proabably will not a elect a pro-western government. Which means the puppet government we put in place of Saddam's, best bet would be to assasinate any opposition, of course with US blessing, then hold elections ensuring that they're party is elected, after that they should recieve plenty of support from the US so they can take care of the Iran problem for us. They may have to kill off a few thousand of their minorities, like the kurds, if they cause to much of a problem. But what the hey, what's important is they are a US ally.
sound familar?