I go on http://www.mohfiles.com and see whats new. Ok I knew that someone would do a binocular mod soon after I did one...no problem. Damn! Did he have to use mine and change it around?!?! Even has the same design on the edges. F.U.B.A.R.. Now I know the feeling when someone cheeses your shit.
that shit happens to me all the time. heh i bet the same noob has ripped my shit off too, cant remember all the names since theres a countless number of the fucktards out there. sons of liberty, I hope you read this, cause you suck assmunch!
agree total wi every 1 . yess brutal u can see below ive clipped a part from his and its compared to a part of yours it has the exact texture / pattern and even the exact shape apart from hes stretched the image that is all..
Thanks Minefield for the visual. I still see that just words like "Even has the same design on the edges." Doesnt sink in to some "readers"...I must post more pics.