GameSpy: Will MOHAA be the game that shows the industry 2015 has graduated from being a third-party developer (i.e. creating add-on packs) to front-line projects? Please explain.
Benson Russell: Yes I think it will. This is 2015's first full AAA title
(HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA HA!!!!!), and I'm very proud of the finished product
Blah blah self-promoting bullshit blah blah blah. There were a lot of lessons learned and a lot of evolving that happened over the course of the project
But not prone positions, eh?. It's the same as with anything in life. The key is learning to open the door the next time before trying to walk through it
And you're still learning. With the experience and knowledge 2015 gathered from this project they're going to produce some good-quality games in the future
for the PlayStation probably, and I definitely look forward to playing them.
AAA standard? Piss off.