M16: i heard somwhere that you can get a scope mod for the M1 garand.. was wondering if anyone here knows wheer to find it, be awesome if you get something like a sniper rifle with an 8 shot clip and shoots rapid fire. Please tell me if you can get this mod and where
an aim mode would be great, like in americas army where you can use the battle sights, long range aiming. You could even have an ultra realistic mp game with no crosshairs
He's refering to scope , not to the iron sights you're talking about...
If they could construct such iron sights for mohaa , that will be way cool !!!!
I dont think that the sight in that link is very good
It's not so realistic , the posture is not that good .. we need something like realy an aim .. that you can only see the iron sight and it's area , not the whole damn stock ...! ed: