nice map, but just one sugestion, stop using the same texture like the concrete, it makes the map boring to look at, dirty it up a bit. add some pipes and wires and a few lights would be nice.
Yes, I know I used the concrete a lot. Well... I just used concrete. Hehe, I wanted to look it a bit boring. And dark. A nightmare made of concrete and steel. oOo: There were lights planned, but somehow my Radiant (or the compiler) places the lights and coronas wrong. eek:
And for the pipes and other details: It's an DM Map. So I focus on FPS instead on detail. It's my second map, so I have to find out, what the engine can handle. But thanks for your advice, I'll use it on future maps.
LOL! I knew at least one of you guys would ask for that compass.
I didn't realized that it's in use as I uploaded the pics. Er, is it ok to post such *bad* pics here? If it's offensive to someone, sorry. Shame on me.
I made the compass myself. Anyone want me to post it here or MoHfiles?
@Hunter: Yes, I did use caulk, milter and detail. But the map is leaked, so no real VIS compile. And area portals, well, I'm still learning. happy:
you edited the pics before i could see the compass , but i was resourceful and found the original pictures i don't recognize her though, is she famous?