Ok guys, here is the info most of you want.
Yes, the M1 Bayonet has been modeled. Ill post screens in a bit.
I have it in game.
There are two bigs with is: No Bandaleer
No MuzzleFlash
I will release a beta within the next few days. I am working to fix those bugs. The bayonet will also include new animations once the minor problems are fixed.
I am looking for One Modeller with experience to help em complete this and sen out Version hopefully by next week. There is a fourm for this located at the link below. It will be posted there first.
If you want to help complete this Mod/Model email me at
se_winters@hotmail.com Experience is a must.
You do not need to register in the fourms!!
http://www.cputhings.us/modules.php?nam ... de560dd32e