looking at the model and the real life one on that website, i think it has came along pretty well. After some expert skinning from Gauv there may be a good Bren coming out of this.
I know it probably sounds a bit hypocritacal telling u what to do when its your work but could you split the work between different people. Ie one person does skin, another does skelmodel, another one does animations etc and whatever else is needed. That way, one person doesnt decide its too much work and pack it in, along with our dreams of a bren
Bren guns, I'm told by Grandpa (veteran of El-Alamein, Anzio and Normandy) were for knocking down walls and piercing light armour. Only John Wayne / Stallone / Arnie / Audie Murphy would be able to fire one from the hip and remain on both feet, but I'm glad that somebodies done one anyway. Its one weapon they really should have put in the original game. Maybe a remodelled Spearhead MG42 would be more fitting.
Who the hell is Audie Murphy ? lol I'm a film buff and I don't even know who that is. you do have a point though and the running and gunning with the bren.