Virus? -
04-07-2003, 01:33 AM
Sometimes my computer will go offline from the internet for a couple of days and then go back on. Happened about 3 times now in 2 week intervals. anyway it was doing it today and I was getting pissed off so I spent some time looking at the computer to see if I could find something wrong with it. I think I found a virus, but i'm not sure and need some help.
What I did was looked at what was running on startup through msconfig.
What I found there was mostly normal, but one thing caught my eye:
is what caught my eye. I scanned it with NAV and came up with nothing. I went to the directory it was located in and noticed it was created on Feb 11 2003 so I didn't think it could be a vital part to the operation of the comp if it wasn't there before and my comp was working then. Anyway I unchecked it for startup and restarted and my internet email etc worked.
I went to search on the internet to ee i I could figure out if tis file was a virus or not but couoldn't come up with anything for VLB32.exe
Anyone know what this file does? Is it a vital part of windows? If I type in WinDSNX I get a couple virus pages talking about backdoor.DSNX, which I think is different from what I have. Any help would be appreciated. Anyone care to check if they have this file on their computer?