I am teh certified. The tests took me about 40 minutes total. They can take as long as 30 minutes each I believe. They aren't really that bad at all, don't be nervous about them. I breezed through the hardware test. Know your shit for the OS exam, I damn near failed that one. They'll ask mostly about which DOS file controls mem usage etc, which loads first, ROM Bios, POST etc. They're adaptive so you can pass in as little as 12 questions and if you start missing questions, they'll hammer you on the area you missed. Don't worry. You'll be fine.
CompTIA is teh ub3r easy. Dude... it's simple: just know your shit and you
will be fine. Why the hell would you need it, considering you'll be an army
brat soon (?!)... or have you changed your mind ?
Do you have the A+ Certification for Dummies? I have the book here from college. I was just looking at the Cheat sheet that they have and this is what they have in there: Laser Printing Phases, Layers of the OSI model, write down the IRQ, I/O addresses, Laser Phases, OSI layer before the test bigins. Know most of the acronyms.
The Dummy book I have is for 95/98, but I'm sure most of the things that I just told you will be in there. Also know what the hives are for 2000/XP.
I didn't have to take the test because my boss said it would be pointless since I'm already working at my job. It's just for a resume booster.
I would like to get all these certifications right now before I become stupid and become a grunt biggrin:
However, when I get out of the service I'll need a job, and I was thinking the IT field... so it's better now to get my certs then wait later biggrin:[/quote:6e677]
Hey man if you are going into the army don't waste your money getting any MICROSOFT certs. There is a chance they wont be any good after you get out. That happened to me with win95/98 certs i had gotten. Wait till afterwards and let the GI Bill cover it. A+ was easy. If you know your shit you will pass.
I got some advice for others in the thread. Stop spammin you stupid kids.
As for the A+ test, good luck lol.....you can get practice tests online. Dont know the URL tho. If I stay in the class I am in this year, I have to take the A+ test next year lol.
yeah, i am a freshman (highschool) and i am currently taking A+ certification test. I have a book that comes w/ a disk for practice tests. NEways, gonna take it, but is cost $200, so don't waste ur money, good luck