Jesus, so don't bring out your fustration here, we have enough retards to deal with as it is!
... joe replies ( im trying hard to hold in my laughter )[/quote:8ed16]
I let out a huge guffaw when I saw that. I looked at the post date and saw April and was thinking he responded...LAST FUCKING YEAR...but then saw the year. LOL.
How bout yall make a mod that makes the grenade have a explosion that is like the explosion on omaha beach when you detenate the bandlors. Is it posoble.
Originally Posted by poseyj
i just wish grenades explosions had a little of that firey goodness like when bangloiers explode.
Originally Posted by retrac2w
Yea, although a the bangolier explosion is a little to big for a grenade.
i wish i was here for that, man i would have hours of fun with that noob
btw hes just another example of some fukers to use that only steers and queers come from texas